Welcome to MS Nurse
Dear BAMS Parents:
To help maintain a healthy and safe learning environment, please do not send your child to school if your child is feeling ill with any symptoms such as a fever (100 degrees or higher), is vomiting, has diarrhea or is experiencing a disruptive cough. Students should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever reducing medication.
Requirements for Seventh Grade Students:
Dental Exams: PA Stated Mandated Dental Exams are required. For private dental exams, please obtain the dental form under 'FORMS'.
Immunizations: To Enter 7th Grade all students are required to have two Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccines, One Meningococcal vaccine, and a DTaP Booster if it is over 5 years since their last booster vaccine in addition to their childhood vaccines.
Health Screenings for Seventh Grade include vision, hearing and scoliosis as mandated by the State of PA.
Requirements for Eighth Grade Students:
Health Screenings for Eighth Grade include vision as mandated by the State of PA.
If your child receives a referral for further medical follow up after they have their health screening, please have the completed referral returned to the school nurse.
Medication Permission must be signed by a parent and a physician for all medications, including over the counter medications, like tylenol, cough syrup, etc. To obtain a copy of the Authorization for Medication Form Private Med Form
Physical Exam: State mandated in Kindergarten, 6th Grade, and 11th Grade
To obtain a copy of the Private Physical Form Private Physical Form
Dental Exam: State mandated in Kindergarten, 3rd Grade and 7th Grade.
To obtain a copy of the Private Dental Form Private Dental Form
Health Update: Yearly update, or if health condition changes
Emergency Card: Yearly update, or if change in address, contacts, or phone numbers